
The Great Indoors

The two things I love about GR are entirely conflicting – we get four seasons, and, you don’t have to step outside if you don’t want to. Not that I don’t love the outdoors, but whether its Allergy Season, Snow Season, or Air Conditioning Season, sometimes, the Great Indoors is calling my name. And in GR, we are mastering the art of bringing the outdoors in.

I recently discussed plans for an Indoor Carnival. We assessed the location of the carnival rides and games in relation to the seating for 1400 in DeVos Place. More importantly, we decided where the Elephant Ears and Cotton Candy would go. Then there is Skywalk Golf – that’s right, a golf course (think putt-putt golf) that runs inside through the GR Skywalk. There wasn’t even hesitation when I asked about bringing in a few buckets of sand (equaling one ton) to create a beach.

Its fun to see that whatever you want to do outside, we can bring inside – and leave the bugs where they belong!



Welcome to In the Grand Scheme of Things!

I am looking forward to sharing some of my more entertaining moments, challenges, and experiences here at the GRCVB. Some days it feels like I am working in an I Love Lucy episode (you should have seen me at the National Golden Gloves Tournament two weeks ago) and others you feel like a participant on Amazing Race (I need a kite, shaped like a fish, but not a tropical fish, in one day!). Either way, things at the CVB are fun, exciting, and totally focused on enhancing the Grand Rapids experience.