
You've Got Mail!!

I had something new on my checklist the other day – picking up the Mayor’s dry cleaning. Never thought that task would make it to my list, but when GR’s Mayor Heartwell agreed to do a Welcome Video to a very special group coming to GR this January (The Religious Conference Management Association), we needed to get him a blue shirt with our logo on it! The only shirts he had from us were green – which wouldn’t work out too well when filming in front of a Green Screen (think about the days when the weather forecaster has a little bit of green in their tie and you can see right through them – now imagine the whole shirt!).

One of the new, cutting edge things we offer is a Streaming Video. This is a great way to do Attendance Building by sending out a video welcome to conference attendees that arrives in their e-mail. Its so new, everyone opens it us to see what it is! Usually the conference president or host films the video, inviting everyone to attend. Check out the video sent to RCMA members: www.meetgrandrapids.com/rcmainvite.php

Can you imagine a better way to boost registration then showing attendees a video of GR?

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